中国政府对国际汇款有着严格的管理。LemFi 作为持牌金融机构,完全遵守如下的相关限
- 每笔汇款不超过3=4,500 美金或21,000元人民币
- 每位收款人每天最多收款1万美金,每年最多可以收款5万美金
- 如果入账到支付宝或微信钱包,则每笔汇款不超过1万元人民币
- 如果通过支付宝转存至银行账户、银行卡,则每笔汇款不超过5万元人民币
- 如果通过微信转存至银行账户、银行卡,则每笔汇款不超过3万元人民币
- 每位收款人每年最多可收款50万元人民币,其中最多30万人民币可存入支 付宝、微信的余额,其余资金可转存到银行账户、银行卡
- 每位收款人每月收款不超过5笔
The Chinese government has strict regulations on international remittances.
As a licensed financial institution, LemFi fully complies with the following
regulations on limits:
Sending money to Chinese bank accounts or cards
- Single Transaction Limit: USD 4,500 or CNY 31,000
- For each recipient, he / she can receive up to USD 10,000 per day and up to USD 50,000 per year
- There is also a monthly limit of USD 4,500 equivalent for transactions with "family support" purpose,
Sending money to Alipay or WeChat wallets
- If the transaction is deposited into Alipay or WeChat balance, it shall not exceed CNY 10,000
- If the transaction is routed into bank account or card through Alipay, it shall not exceed CNY 50,000
- If the transaction is routed into bank account or card through WeChat, it shall not exceed CNY 30,000
- For each recipient, he / she can receive up to CNY 500,000 per year. Up to CNY 300,000 per year can be saved into Alipay or WeChat balance, and the rest can be routed into bank account or card
- Each recipient can only receive up to 5 transactions per month
Regulatory policies might be adjusted by the government. If you have any questions, you can always contact our customer service at any time.
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